The Food Of Hell From Indonesia

Famous as one of the best tropical countries, Indonesia provides tons of uniqueness and excitement. Its nature, culture, and art always bring millions of tourist each year. However, this time we are going to talk about one thing, Indonesia’s cuisine, in particular Sambal.
Originally, sambal was founded in east, and south asian countries 600 years ago. In Indonesia, Sambal or sambel is infamous among tourist as the food of hell for its undeniable ability to make the consumer produces tears and sweat when eating. even tough we felt a hype string of hot when we ate sambal, Bill Philips, a spicy food expert explains that fiery food tastes hot because chemical molecules, such as capsaicin, excite pain receptors on your tongue that are linked to the sensation of temperature, not because it’s burning off your tastebuds. “It’s more of a sensation of heat than something physical. so eating sambal wont ruin your tastebud system
 Produced using chili as its main ingredient, sambal is indeed taste extremely spicy.
Sambal is made by grinding ‘cabai’ or chili, along with several complements such as onion, cherry,  tomato, ‘terasi’, sugar, and salt as the basic ingredient, but to increase the taste you could add lemon , pepper, or additional food like seafood cube. The ingredients are grinded using traditional tool made usually from wood or plastic. The texture is smooth with a vibrant color of green and red, depending on which chili you use.
as the main ingridients in sambal, there are some random info i put here if you want to know more about this thing. first, chilli are tropic plants who mainly grow in warm and sunny places, so its a benefit for Indonesia which passed the equator line. the second one, capcaisin in chilli which makes our tounge got tied could be decrease with milk.

Infamous among tourists for its spiciness, many tourists avoid it. However, some of them are challenged and try to eat it. Those who dare to try usually will get stomach ache or turn very red and sweaty in the face. Though super spicy, locals eat it in almost daily basis as their main meal

1. the word 'cherry' as one of the ingredients to make sambal because the taste of cherry is contradicting with the taste of sambal
2. the traditional tool is made from stone, not plastic. 


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