Hi guysssss!!!

well I'm here to tell you about one of my school event which is a kind of culture festival well known as "Gathapraya".  

first I want to tell you about the concept of this occasion. Gathapraya itself means ' Hope for a better future'. As you known before, time machine is the theme of this festival. It means we, SMAN 3, invited people to live in the future with culture as their foundation. 

As one of the committee, I also felt the hectic situation when we prepared this festival. but with all that being said we feel proud and satisfied because the event was totally crowded and fantastic. 

 At 6 in the morning, the committee already arrived at lapangan bali to held briefing and pray for the success of the event. Then, me and my groups start to make tunnel and add the last touch to the place. In the noon, they who followed the parade come back to school. They wear traditional clothing and make up for attending the competition. I don't know which class win the competition but I remember it was total fun,

In the afternoon there were some opening band came to stage. some of them are the band from taruna bakti, SMAN 9 dance group, and students from bandung institute of tech. They were really excited and energic while performing amazing acts. 

In the evening the event become more crowded. I was so happy because my friends from junior highschool also come and pay visit. We sat in the grass and watch Didik Towok dancing gracefully, we also watch Vina Chandrawati ( sand painters) making paints after paints that hold deep meanings. 

in around 8 the big artists started to perform. The first one is an Indie rock group called Elephant Kind. They are one of my favorite indonesian band. They played some songs and it was so blazing. 
after that, Hivi started to come to the stage, I love their songs especially the acoustic ones. We started to sing along with the group band.

The last to perform is Nidji, the crowds were getting more excited as the vocalist, giring, sang. he was so energetic and funny. They bring up the songs real good that the crowds was totally hyped, when they bring the last song, there were some kind of fireworks came from the top of the stage and all of the crowds cheers with joys.

well thats all i wanna share with you. thanks for reading this blogg. see you at the next one. i also put some pictures bellow so you can imagine how it was going that day


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